Thursday, May 8, 2008

But Anyway (Updated!!!)

So I've been having random cravings for chocolate. Maybe I'm pregnant.

I've been considering changing the direction of this blog in many ways. I've accumulated top 5s from other writers to make this a Top 5 List only blog, but that might make it a little dull. I've considered random musings about my life, but that seemed a little emo. This post by itself is a little whiny, but anyway (cue John Popper harmonica solo)

I do have one random musing.

I had to buy some serious amounts of Japanese snack food today for my brother who is opening a sushi restaurant in Santiago, Chile called Fukai or deep. I went to the faithful M2M and purchased bags of wasabi peas, japanese nut mixes, and fruit gummies. Then I noticed something beautiful. Something glorious!

These friends, are Kasugai Chocolate Fruit Gummies. My intense love for chocolate covered gummies started with my initial love for gummies: gummy bears, gummy worms, pogo sticks, and pencil erasers. For about 4 months, I had been searching for Muddy Bears in movie theaters, but I never found them. I constantly asked my friend Ryan, like a 5th grader questing for the details of a first kiss, "What are they like? Are they as good as they sound? Chocolate covered gummy bears??"

I tried them at the Union Square Theater and was not let down, like many of us were by our first kiss. It was magical. But you can't find Muddy Bears everywhere. So when I found the Kasugai "Gumi Choco" Pack, I couldn't be happier. I was so excited when I got home that I ripped open the Apple Choco Gummies, and they exploded across my room . I suffered some shrapnel injuries, but Trickstar survived (pictured below).

The pack comes with four flavors: orange, grape, apple, and cherry. The cover characters depressed me. I didn't want to eat them, they were too cute, maybe a little tooooo cute.......AAAAAAAAAAARGGGHHHH!!!!!! GUMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

From the apple that I salvaged after the explosion, I felt like a little bit of chewy chocolate covered Red Delicious expanded like a hot air balloon in my mouth, flavor floating for taste bud to taste bud. The grape were a little 'artificial.' But what do you expect: its fucking candy! The orange kicked any sort of chocolate-covered-orange in the Naval. I have yet to try the strawberry. Its waiting for me back home while I update this article in JFK airport.

But anyway, everyone should head to their favorite Asian grocery store and see if they can find the "Kasugai Gumi Choco 4-Pack." If not, you can order them online here . Happy Eating.

Also, do yourself a favor. Download the song "But Anyway" by Blues Traveler. It'll match your gummy eating perfectly.


Julia York said...

Now I want to go get chocolate koalas at M2M, and of course I'd pick up some of these chocolate covered gummies, too.

For some reason, a few nights ago I was looking at random Facebook photos and saw one with Trickstar in the background and I wondered how that little guy is.

REL said...

thankfully, he is alive and well. He asks about you sometimes, if you are single, that is. But you do not want any of that dirty monkey. He has far too many STDs. In fact, Trickstar is the monkey that brought AIDs to the US.

Ryan said...

Apple is by far the most awesome flavor in the bunch

REL said...

I concur wholeheartedly.