Sunday, April 13, 2008

California's okay but I think I might stay here a while...

I've been sitting on this a while, wanting to write something a little more significant about it, but I might as well just share it. The music video for Death Cab For Cutie's new single, "I Will Possess Your Heart".

I am really excited for the new album especially since "Gibbard claims that they have nothing to prove and that the band simply wants to make a record that they like." -- Behind the scenes

I am really digging this single, but don't think about it at all. I use it as great background music. Like if I were touring the world on public transit.

I'll see you all May 13th.

1 comment:

REL said...

Death Cab for Cutie...a jam band? maybe all along. Bring out the Patchouli oils. its a cool song though. really cool. also sweet music video, although I'm not sure if I would call a song with a 4 minute instrumental intro, a 'single.' Maybe Death Cab will change that definition. That would make me happy.